Photo of adults holding check in front of fire engine

The Van Buren Intermediate School District’s (VBISD) long-standing partnership with Entergy Palisades Power Plant has benefited all of the local Van Buren County constituent districts and communities. Over the past year, Entergy has approved grants totaling $148,000 to provide VBISD with several of the following improvements:

1. 2021 and 2022 Back to School Backpack Giveaway: This is one of VBISD’s leading events. Students of all ages from all over Van Buren County are able to receive free school supplies necessary to start a school year. This event has also historically provided connections to many community agencies.

2. SimCity Development: Hands-on training is a fundamental aspect of Van Buren Tech’s students’ educational experience. Students in the Law Enforcement, Emergency Medical Technician, and Fire Science Academy programs are able to receive extensive training with SimCity; A unit designed to simulate characteristics of the experience they would have in their respective careers. This facility will also be used by local fire, law enforcement, and EMT professionals for their training as well. The new addition to SimCity is projected to be a controlled burn container.

3. New CPR Mannequins and AED trainers: VBISD is the primary provider of CPR and AED training to school districts in the Van Buren County region.

4. Habitat Trail Revitalization: The Habitat Trail meanders over a 35 acre stretch of natural wildlife habitat and includes a 1⁄2 mile boardwalk that may be accessed by individuals with mobility difficulties. A revitalization of the boardwalk will allow continued access by the entire community.

5. Pavilion Shelter Rebuild: The Bert Goens Learning Center provides Van Buren County students with moderate to severe disabilities educational services. These students are able to access this pavilion, which provides shelter from the elements when participating in outdoor activities.

VBISD would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Entergy Palisades Power Plant for their partnership and continuous support throughout the years.