Key Components
Binational Teacher Exchange:
This initiative supports teacher who spend time learning and sharing their expertise about the cultural, educational and social experiences of the binational migrant student. Exchange teachers user proven instructional methodologies, meet with migrant parents and assist in planning cultural programs.Free Textbook Distribution Program:
Through an agreement with Mexico, texts are distributed to binational migrant education programs in the U.S. to supplement the curricula used for the education of monolingual Spanish speaking students and help promote literacy development in Spanish.Binational Transfer Document:
An outgrowth of Mexico's National Education System, the Transfer Document contains academic and health information on binational migrant students. It also is used as a binational report card with educational enrollment information that allows migrant students from Mexico to enter their local public school after the starting date.Adult Literacy Programs:
Recognizing the importance of adult literacy in parents on the learning and achievement of their children, the Instituto Nacional de EducaciĆ³n para Adultos (INEA), an adult literacy program from Mexico, is offered to U.S. service providers.