May 9, 2023 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM at Van Buren Intermediate School District Conference Center
CRM is a biologically-based trauma intervention designed for community members who need information
about trauma and coping skills but who have limited access to mental health resources.
Ashlee Offord from Corewell Health will be providing a free training on The Community Resiliency Model® (CRM). CRM is a biologically-based trauma intervention designed for community members who need information about trauma and coping skills but who have limited access to mental health resources. CRM® teaches skills for self-care to balance the nervous system of those impacted by personal or community-level trauma (such as violence, poverty, racism, and homophobia). Participants will receive tools they can immediately implement as well as learn about future events for gaining deeper understanding of the model.
Register on Learning Stream. This event is FREE!